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September 20, 2024/

Photo by Steinar Engeland on Unsplash School avoidance is a common issue, since COVID-19. Before then, it was a rarity. Kids have long since had issues of school avoidance and refusal, but it was not recognized as a major issue that needed attention. There are several steps in helping your child who is struggling with school avoidance. The first is to recognize what is really going on. Mental health days is a…

August 20, 2024/

Photo by Michal Balog on Unsplash Recent social media posts are full of proud parents posting photos of packed cars with all the necessary and probably unnecessary items for the new dorm or apartment. Mom’s and Dad’s have looked forward and dreaded this day since their child began their first day of Kindergarten. For parents this will be a difficult time of learning a new way of life where they are no…

July 23, 2024/

Photo by Aleks Dahlberg on Unsplash When a parent or guardian discovers that their child is self-harming, many things can run through their mind. Is my child wanting to die? Is my child wanting attention? Has something happened that I don’t know about? What could I have done to prevent this? What do we do now? These are comments that as a counselor, I hear regularly. No one discovers that their child…

July 17, 2024/

Sometimes our kids know better. From generation to generation there are differences from social, emotional and cultural. These differences need to be acknowledged and respected. Just because things are different doesn’t mean that they are wrong. Parents are seen as the authority and decision maker, no matter what. But what happens when our kids know better than we do? Do we acknowledge this insight and let our kids make their own decision?…

June 24, 2024/

Summer can be a challenging time for many families. Everyone is at home, without a break in sight. Parents may be trying to work from home or simply juggle day camps and squeezing in all the appointments that the school year does not allow for. Having summer goals and activities can help ease the challenge and help families enjoy summer break, instead of dreading another day at home, with bored children. When…

June 17, 2024/

“I don’t know how I ended up here. One minute I am sending my kids out into the world, becoming empty nesters, then I am thrown back into diapers, daycare and school drop off. I am thankful beyond words that I have the privilege of raising my grandkids, but a part of me is heartbroken. Heartbroken for my own kids who are not raising their children, for choices of their own making.…

June 10, 2024/

Summer is a Great Time for Counseling Longer days and slow summer nights are a great time to be able to focus on goals and things that you may have been putting off for a while. This can range from cleaning out the dreaded closet or making a road trip to see family. No matter the task, summer is a great time to get things done. With school being out, summer camps…

June 3, 2024/

Self care has become a buzzword and the solution to many problems individuals face today. This includes going to the spa, investing in yourself or just doing what you love. Many times it is a luxury service that is referenced to when thinking of self-care. But what happens if you don’t have the extra income to practice the standard self care? Does self care apply only to the ones who can afford…

May 22, 2024/

This is a common reason individuals and couples seek counseling. When ultimatums are being thrown around trouble is soon to follow. What are ultimatums? An ultimatum is a request that is required to be completed in a specific time frame or else a threat will be enacted. These requests do not have to be huge demands, but can be small in content and effort. They become a problem in relationships where love…

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Jaclyn Bailes

LPC-Associate, Supervised by Rolla Bradley, LPCS

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